HR costs planning, budgeting, and accounting
UBC HR Payroll Planning with
IBM Planning Analytics (HR planning 2.0)
Calculate the planned staff costs without undue effort. Plan staffing, normalize expenses, plan tax rates, calculate salaries, bonuses, bonuses, social benefits and taxes. Consolidate the performance of group companies. Integrate with accounting systems. Perform real-time scenario simulation, factor analysis, and more.

Staffing management
(with multiple analytics for employees and companies)
Calculation of other payments
Training cost planning
Directory management
Local storage of personal information
Calculation main and additional wages
Tax calculation
Calculation of costs for hiring and termination of employment
Analysis of "What if?",
Advanced user access
social benefits and compensation
Wage indexation
Manual payment of planned staff costs
Dashboards and
Management of planning regulations
Calculation of bonuses and bonuses
Business trip planning
Standards planning
by cost groups and employee categories
Analytical reports,
factor analysis,
balance sheet, statement of financial performance
and other
UBC HR Payroll Planning with IBM Planning Analytics provides extensive planning, modeling, integration and security capabilities regardless of the size of your business and the complexity of business processes.
The organizational structure
Ability to plan at the level of individual legal entities, departments, projects, projects
Support for different currencies of accruals and payments, automatic conversion into corporate currencies
At the level of the company, group of companies, or selected perimeters
Access rights
Distribution of access rights between structural units and responsible employees

Deep Detail
To employees, types, categories, cost items
Scenario modeling of costs depending on various factors of influence, such as the number of staff, tax rates, compensation packages and more.
Advanced business analytics
All forms in the system are closely related. The calculation is performed interactively and allows you to combine one-panel tables, graphs, charts, selection options, and simulation drivers. Drivers allow you to perform a scenario analysis of the possible costs of future periods, changing the targets. For example, changing the planned average number of staff, or the number of staff of certain categories of employees. Many standard forms of the system and the ability to customize the individual workspace, open wide opportunities for optimizing staff costs. And as a result, allow a quick response to market conditions of doing business.


Staffing and personnel analytics
Integration with HR systems, personnel, and accounting systems to download information on current staffing, advanced staff analysis, employment, salary, and more.
and budgeting
Integration with factual data sources - accounting systems, HR systems, data warehouses. Integration with planning systems - budgeting, project planning, production and more.
End-to-end integration with Microsoft Excel
Download data from Microsoft Excel, csv, txt files. Uploading data. Plugin for Microsoft Excel, which allows you to work with the system through the Microsoft Excel interface
UBC HR Payroll Planning with IBM Planning Analytics pays special attention to security and data privacy

The system supports end-to-end encryption of all communication channels—both on the server-side and on the user side.

Locally or in the cloud
Depending on users' requirements, the system can be hosted on the customer's own server, even without an Internet connection. Either in a private or public cloud

Depending on user access rights, you no longer need to create separate reports. Just set up access to directory items or even individual data cells

Comprehensive budgeting system
IBM Planing Analytics with Watson
IBM Planning Analytics with Watson
It is a holistic integrated budgeting solution filled with artificial intelligence that allows you to go beyond manual planning. IBM Planning Analytics eliminates business unit fragmentation to quickly create flexible detailed forecasts, plans, and budgets for FP&A, sales, supply chain, etc. - all on one platform.
Real-time modeling, and factor analysis, speed up decision-making and increase productivity regardless of the size of your business.

“IBM Planning Analytics ranked first in terms of customer satisfaction and ease of use. The BARC report states: “Thanks to the Web and Excel interfaces of the system, customers confirm that IBM Planning Analytics (IBM Cognos TM1) is easy to use compared to tools from other software developers. As a result, IBM is in the lead "
"83% of IBM Planning Analytics customers say they recommend the system to other companies"

The world's largest survey of planning software users